Perceptive Homes LLC - Greener Healthier Living


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Landscaping and gardens (floral or vegetable) can be excellent sources of Chi for your home, and can actually help neutralize negative Chi before it enters the home. The landscaping that surrounds your house is an extension of the house itself, as it its energy.

CHI: Just as they purify the air, plants purify energy. Gardens are helpful for creating a strong and balanced flow of energy around and into your home. Because gardens directly involve the primal elements (Wood, Water, Wind, Earth, Space), it is important to look at the other aspects when designing and planning them. Colors and shapes, as well as any decorative items, can all help to achieve a good balance of Chi.

COLOR: Color can be especially important in a garden, particularly when looking at the colors of the flowers you plant. Yin (dark) and Yang (light) energies should be equally represented as much as possible, and the colors chosen should help to balance and complement the energy of the space.

SHAPES: Rounded shapes are best in gardens, rather than straight lines. Curved paths, rounded edges, and undulating movement encourages energy to circulate and flow gently, rather than rush past in a straight path. Keep this in mind for when planning flower and vegetable beds and planning paths.

WATER ELEMENTS: Water elements greatly assist in creating good Chi flow, as the element itself is a powerful symbol of Abundance. Generally, the best areas for placing them where they will provide the most positive influence are to the North (Career), East (Health), and Southeast (Wealth) areas. When planning a water element, be it a foutain or a birdbath, make sure you take the time to visualize how it will fit into the look and feel of the space, to maintain good flow toward your home, rather than away from it.

Gardens, no matter what size, can not only assist the flow of good Chi, they can create and propagate it. Working outside in your garden can help reduce your stress in general, and a beautiful, well-cared for garden can be a place of physical and spiritual refuge from the worries of the outside world.

NEXT: Other Energy Methods and Systems


click underlined links for more information

Feng Shui Sites: Informational websites about Feng Shui

Feng Shui Practitioners: National list of Practitioners

Feng Shui

Energy Cleansing: National list of Practitioners

Home Staging: National list of Consultants