ADVERTISE ON PERCEPTIVE HOMES' SERVICES DIRECTORY strives to be a comprehensive reference of home-related energy service information portals, sites, practitioners, and creative Real Estate Professionals.
A Directory link/listing costs $60.00 (US) per year for a single location/linnk.
Payment is due on receipt of invoice, and listings go live within 2 days of receipt of payment. Payments may be made via Paypal or check only.
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"Home is where the heart is" is an old adage for a reason: it's pretty much true. No matter what is happening in your life, if you have a home environment that you love, it makes things easier to bear.
While it is absolutely necessary to take financial factors into consideration when thinking about home decisions, Perceptive Homes also advocates taking how you feel into account. There are times when on the surface something looks like the right thing to do, but just feels wrong somehow. Those are the times when your intuition is making its presence known.
In our section on Energy & Your Home you'll find information about factors that influence how we think and especially feel
about the space around us. From the impact of sunlight to the art of Feng Shui to how scent and color influence mood, we'll give you information about
how your environment can impact, and sometimes influence, how you feel phycsically and emotionally.